Event planner in Melbourne

NLBD/Melbourne/Event planner in Melbourne

Our directory includes 152 Event planner in Melbourne. We only list verified local companies. The mission of our website is to facilitate the search for local businesses. Find a Event planner in Melbourne near you: addresses, phone numbers, social media - all information on the NLBD.

ASN Events

+61 479 078 578

Events By Luxe

+61 448 265 909


+61 433 088 994

Artist Planet

+61 490 060 031


+61 1300 850 340

After Dark Market

+61 481 114 184

Synth Wave

+61 448 752 918

Lush Global Music

+61 458 459 348

Lume Events

+61 404 146 802

Jess Beattie Events

+61 450 408 322

Matilda Sholly Events

+61 408 358 947

Curated Events

+61 412 326 154

Creative events

+61 473 439 769

Bellatopia Celebrations

+61 466 887 011


+61 468 645 657

Events By Kainaat

+61 452 517 654

Enlit Australia

+61 450 916 911

IF Events Pty Ltd

150 Gladstone St
+61 1300 940 782

Georgie’s Events & Decor

60 Kavanagh St
+61 449 521 668

Primate Entertainment Services

117 Sturt St
+61 3 9690 5055

Lilap Events

+61 478 788 884

Studio Miss S

+61 431 427 190

Bright Young Things

29 Niagara Ln
+61 3 9670 9099

Fantasy Poker

347 Flinders Ln
+61 414 766 032

Byrna Events and Media

576 St Kilda Rd
+61 421 840 247

Stadium Group Pty Ltd

566 St Kilda Rd
+61 3 8610 6580

Teambuilding Melbourne

82 Queens Rd
+61 416 152 820

Your Event Collective

+61 433 073 752
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East Coast Events

3/7 Grosvenor St
+61 1300 728 669

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