Address: 640 S Washington St, Naperville
Phone: +1 630-226-9475
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About Dr. Shannon Allegretti

Dr. Shannon Allegretti is located at 640 S Washington St Naperville, 60540, US

Shannon Allegretti, PsyD | Duly Health and Care – DuPage Medical Group
Shannon Allegretti, PsyD is a Behavioral & Mental Health, Counseling therapist with Duly Health and Care, seeing Adolescents and Adults in Naperville.
If you are on this page, you are prob­a­bly look­ing for infor­ma­tion; begin­ning the process of decid­ing to reach out for help. Whether you find your­self over­whelmed with wor­ries or anx­i­ety, sur­round­ed by the dark­ness of depres­sion, lost in time stop­ping grief, or fac­ing mar­i­tal or oth­er life crises, start­ing your search begins your heal­ing. I am a Licensed Clin­i­cal Psy­chol­o­gist and I have been in prac­tice since 1999. I pro­vide a safe, empa­thet­ic, and non-judg­men­tal space where you are wel­come to dis­cuss con­cerns, resolve con­flicts and uncov­er your strengths. My the­o­ret­i­cal ori­en­ta­tion is client cen­tered and root­ed in human­is­tic the­o­ry. My eclec­tic treat­ment approach is built upon the foun­da­tion of the ther­a­peu­tic rela­tion­ship. Hear­ing and meet­ing the needs of clients and incor­po­rat­ing evi­dence-based treatments.

How to get to Dr. Shannon Allegretti?