Address: 7041 Canal Blvd Suite 184, New Orleans, 70124
Phone: +1 504-261-7328
Website: Go to site
Work time: Monday:8AM-6PM

About The Concussion Group

The Concussion Group is located at 7041 Canal Blvd Suite 184 New Orleans 70124, US

The Concussion Group – Advance Your TBI Case with a DTI Exam
The Concussion Group offers a Diffusion Tensor Imaging program with quantitative DTI brain exams and an expert witness to help attorneys advance TBI cases.
The Concussion Group is a national, attorney-friendly program offering quantitative DTI brain scans. Our qDTI exams can detect traumatic brain injuries not seen on routine MRI or CT scans. To learn more about Diffusion Tensor Imaging and our advanced neuro-imaging, call us today or fill out a form on our contact page.

How to get to The Concussion Group?