Address: 4400 S Carrollton Ave, New Orleans, 70119
Phone: +1 504-620-2259
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About MacArthur Justice Center – Louisiana Office

MacArthur Justice Center – Louisiana Office is located at 4400 S Carrollton Ave New Orleans 70119, US

Home – MacArthur Justice

Amir Ali, the MacArthur Justice Center’s (MJC) President & Executive Director stepped down as the organization’s President and Executive director on August 5, 2024. Over his seven-year tenure at MJC, Amir led by example in and outside the organization, known for building coalitions and setting multiple landmark precedents that transcend ideology and cultivating a strong internal culture that will benefit MJC for years to come.

We are grateful to Amir for his dedication and leadership and look forward to his future service to the country.

How to get to MacArthur Justice Center – Louisiana Office?